Monday, July 16, 2012


I'm not a huge proponent of supplements.  I have been asked to sell advocare, herbalife, isogenix, and other types of supplements, but I always say no.  Sure, I work in a gym and could probably sell a good amount of supplements and make some extra money, but integrity should come before money.  I admit, it hasn't always been that way for me. 

I feel that a person should have their diet and training in order before they start worrying about supplements.  The diet doesn't need to be perfect, but they should at least have an idea and a plan of what they're trying to do with their diet.  The reason I believe this is that too many people look at supplements as a shortcut or they think that they can eat like crap just because they're taking certain supplements. 

Supplements should be exactly that.  Supplements to a nutritious diet that fill in any gaps that may occur in their diet and this is why I probably will never sell supplements.  90% of people (I'm being generous here) don't have their diet in order so there really isn't any sense in them spending money on supplements.  They would be better served using that money to buy healthier food. 

All of that said, now that I have a plan as to what I'm going to be eating and what my training goals are, here is the short list of supplements that I will be using up to the meet.  Creatine, multi-vitamin, vitamin D, vitmain C, and whey protein.  To me, these are the basics.  Some people would add some other things to the list and I may add more to my list eventually too, but right now I need to focus on the basics and get consistent with them before I start adding more to my plate. 

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