"Things may seem bad at first, but it’s only in relation to what you’re used to… once you become accustomed to something new, it’s not so bad… you might even enjoy it. If I constantly lived my life dividing thing up into “what I like” and “what I don’t like” and “what is easy” and “what is hard”, I would definitely not be living much of a life. Be careful of craving this and that, because it tends to snowball. First you want this, then you get it, then you want that, and then that, and so on. It’s better to just live your life and be happy… and not be fooled by things like this and that." - Shelby Starnes
I just competed in my first powerlifting meet last Saturday and things went great. I will post some videos of my lifts sometime soon. I'm most proud of my 500lb. deadlift. I have been wanting that for a long time, but have never went over 435lbs. in the gym so I wasn't positive that I could get it. Needless to say, it went up pretty easily and I wish I would've attempted more.
Now I begin the journey of competing in my first bodybuilding contest in May. I am ready this time. I say that because I have failed three previous times, but it's only a failure if you quit and don't keep trying. I will succeed this time because I am more mentally strong than I have been previously. Nothing to do with the diet, cardio, and training is good or bad, it just "is." I'm going to enjoy the journey and learn a lot about myself along the way.
I have hired Shelby Starnes to program my diet, cardio, and training so I can be certain that I will leave no stone unturned and be in the bets possible condition for the contest. If you read this and want to follow along, I will be posting a lot about my experience here over the next 7 months.
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