I think everyone that knows me knows that I am always up to something. If I'm not striving to accomplish something I get very bored with life. It's not about searching for the next best thing to make me happy, it's just about always looking for ways to improve myself. I don't think I will ever feel like I've reached my full potential no matter how much I accomplish so I will always be striving for more.
Like the saying goes, if you get complacent and happy with where you are in life, you will rot and die. I don't know if anybody has every really said that before, but I just did, so now it's a saying.
I also believe that if you are working on too many things at the same time, you will half ass all of them and not really accomplish anything. Sometimes you get fooled into thinking you're making progress because you're always busy, but that is not necessarily the case. I need to make sure I'm striking a balance of working towards my goals, but not doing all of these things at once.
I have fought with myself about whether to make these goals public for a month or so because in the back of my mind I worry about failure and embarrassment. That said, I know 100% that I can accomplish anything that is truly important to me. When I drove 3 hours a day to work at LA Fitness, people thought I was crazy, but I got it done because it was important. Right now, I'm driving 2 1/2 hours a day, working full-time, and going to school full-time. Many people have told me that they don't know how I do it. I'm doing it because this shit is important to me.
I'm not saying this to toot my own horn, although I am proud of what I get done. I'm saying this to emphasize the fact that when I really want to get something done, I fucking get it done. If you're committed to something and it's important you get it done. Being committed is like being pregnant, either you are or you aren't. There is no in between.
With that said, I'm here to announce my main goals for the next part of my life. I'm not putting a time frame on them because I don't care how long it takes. The job is done when the goal is reached.
Disclaimer: Obviously the goals of being a good husband, father, etc are always the most important, these goals are after the really important things in life.
Goal #1: Keep plugging away at school. I'm set to get my AA Degree in May and then it's on to MSU this fall for my Math Education degree.
Goal #2: Get in the best shape of my life. This doesn't mean be the strongest I've ever been or the biggest I've ever been. Sure, being jacked is awesome and is always a secondary goal, but just being overall in the best shape of my life is the main goal. I will be 32 in October. That's not old, but to be 32 and be in great shape is pretty rare. I already feel like I'm way above average in terms of strength and fitness for my age of 31, but being above average fitness in America is like being the skinniest person at a Twinkies convention.
That's it. Those are the only goals I have. All of my actions will need to lead towards getting closer to those two goals or it won't happen. Drinking on the weekend? Out. Going out to eat pizza or fast food? It's out. Not permanently, but until I reach my goal, all of that shit is out. If you are my friend and can't understand that, then you're not really my friend.
This is my announcement of my commitment to this and I would like anyone that cares to ask how it's going now and then to hold me accountable. Keep following here if you are interested in updates.
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