Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Squat Rack of LIfe

Many of you may not know what the title of this blog means.  Squatting in the curl rack is a reversal of term curling in the squat rack.  If you're into working out and lifting weights in the gym, you will know that curling in the squat rack is a way to show that you are either selfish or do not know what you are doing.  A squat rack is piece of equipment that allows you to squat and it's really the only place that it can be done.  Curling is an exercise that can be done anywhere in the gym and you don't need a squat rack at all.  So if you're curling in the squat rack you are using a piece of equipment that you don't need to be using while people that need it have to stand around and wait.

The name of this blog, Squatting In the Curl Rack, is meant to be funny because I like to actually squat in the squat rack, but I call it the curl rack because it seems that's what most people use it as.  Anyways, I was thinking about it a little more today and it can be used as a metaphor for many different things in life.  It seems that I haven't actually been squatting in the curl rack because I haven't been taking care of business and doing things the right way all the time.  You could say that I've been curling in the squat rack of life.

Life can definitely feel like a squat rack sometimes while the weight just keeps getting added to the bar.  You've got no choice but to sit down in that hole and stand back up.  However, we do all have a choice as to how much weight gets put on the bar.  If we do things right and take care of business, there's not going to be as much weight on there.  Sure, some asshole in a spaghetti strap tank top with oiled up skin can walk by and throw some extra weight on once in a while, but if you've been doing things right, you can handle that extra weight.  You're prepared.

This morning during a break at work I was reading Facebook and saw a post by a Facebook friend of mine named Adam T Glass.  You may not know Adam, but he is a badass.  He was in the military for many years and saw some messed up shit.  He has been a world class strongman and now is mastering body weight exercises.  My description is selling him short so go check him out on Facebook if you're intrigued.

Anyways, I saw his post that he had online coaching positions available.  I don't have the money to do something like that right now, but I figured I should send him an email anyways.  You never know what can happen, and like he said, sending the email is the first and hardest step.  He replied back pretty quickly and said he had a proposition for me.  Long story short, we worked out a bartering arrangement that is mutually beneficial and I will be working with him to get healthier and in kickass shape.

I'm in decent shape, better than most my age.  I'm stronger than most also, but there are many strong guys that die of heart attacks.  I don't have great family history and my blood pressure is slightly high. I have many reasons to get back in shape and get to work.  I'm ready and now is the time.

So here I am, getting ready to start this process and get cracking.  I'm excited and nervous.  I've failed many times in the past and let many people down.  Part of squatting instead of curling in the squat rack of life is taking care of business and getting things done whether we want to or not.  It's time to start squatting again.

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