Friday, November 9, 2012

"Don't Mistake My Confidence For Arrogance"

Check out this video for some motivation. 

A gold mine of motivational quotes.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Struggling Today

I'm struggling today.  I won a minor victory yesterday by not stopping by my favorite pizza place for 2 for 1 pizzas.  Throughout most of the summer that was my thing every Thursday.  Damn, that pizza is so good. 

Now today I'm just kind of in a funk.  I don't have to lift today, (just calves, abs, and cardio) so the motivation is a little bit less than normal.  When I have to lift it gives me something more to focus on.  I guess I just need to focus on getting in each meal properly since that's just as, if not more, important than the lifting. 

 I also started watching Sons of Anarchy while doing my cardio a few days ago.  Badass show. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

It's All On Me

I used to think that I just needed the right diet, the right workout plan, the right coach, the right situation, the right job, blah, blah, blah.  The truth is I could've had the perfect everything and I still would've failed.  Honestly, the perfect everything is just a myth.

No matter what a person is trying to do, the circumstances will never be perfect. Quit with the rationalization and get to work because time is passing one day at a time.  Just think where you'd be if you would've started a year ago, two years ago..... ten years ago. 

Even adding on to that, I'm not even focused on the main goal.  I'm focused on the next goal, the next step, the next class, the next meal, the next workout, the next day with my family.  There is no end point in life until you die.  Until then, there's only right now.  The future is a myth, it doesn't exist.  There is only right now and good things will happen when we start living in the present. 

That's my philosophy lesson for the day.