Friday, July 20, 2012

Colorado Shooting, Crazy Scumbags, and Irrational People

I just heard about the movie theatre shooting in Colorado while driving to work this morning.  It sucks and it's sad that so many people died because of a crazy scumbag.  There really isn't a punishment that could do him justice. 

What I don't understand is everyone trying to make sense of it.  There isn't a way to make sense of it.  The fact is that there are crazy people in the world and things like this will happen.  There isn't a way to prevent it and random things like this happen because that's just the way it is. 

I'm sure there will be people that now refuse to go to movie theatres just like there were people that refused to fly after 9/11.  Here are some more facts (I don't have the actual numbers and I don't care to get them).  12 people died out of millions that go to movies every year.  You have a better chance of being killed driving a car or walking down the sidewalk so if this stops you from going to a movie then you are making an irrational decision.  Same thing if you refused to fly after 9/11. 

While this whole thing was sad and senseless, I will keep living life as normal and I hope everyone else does as well.

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